OSCE Office in Yerevan organizes workshop on rights of national minorities

YEREVAN, 27 April 2012 – A workshop by the OSCE Office in Yerevan on the rights of national minorities as envisaged in international and national legislation and measures to raise awareness of the issue among politicians, the media and the general public was held today in Yerevan.
The workshop organized by the OSCE Office in Yerevan brought together representatives from the Administration of the President of Armenia, the Foreign Ministry, other state structures dealing with minority issues, the Human Rights Defender’s Office and from national minority communities in Armenia.
“Knowledge of the national legislative provisions and international standards is important for ensuring the protection of the rights of national minorities. I hope that today’s discussion will help us to be better informed about all the activities and measures undertaken by different actors, both state and civic, in this regard,” said Vladimir Tchountoulov, Human Rights Officer of the OSCE Office in Yerevan.
Participants were presented with a compilation on the rights of national minorities in Armenian prepared by the OSCE Office in Yerevan in close co-operation with the Foreign Ministry and the Government Staff Department on National Minorities and Religious Affairs. The publication presents an overview of provisions on the rights of national minorities from the international treaties ratified by Armenia as well as soft law documents and extracts from domestic legislation.
Participants also discussed the use of minority languages in dealing with the administrative authorities, the correlation between the awareness of minority rights and improved legislation and practice, and the role of the Human Rights Defender’s Office as an important remedy and protector of minority rights.
The electronic version of the publication, which is available only in Armenian, is available at: //www.osce.org/hy/yerevan/90111
For more information please contact Ms. Gohar Avagyan, National Public Information Officer, OSCE Office in Yerevan, at (+ 374 10) 22 96 10/ 11/12/13/14 ext. 5406, cell (+ 374 91) 436389.