Women, peace and the OSCE: an Instagram photo competition
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Why hold this competition?
Years ago, peace and security were seen as male-dominated fields. The rationale was simple; men made war, so men should make peace. As we now know, this narrative is deeply flawed. For centuries, women across the world have played key roles at every stage of the conflict cycle. In 2000, the UN Security Council acknowledged this by adopting Resolution 1325, on women, peace and security.
This milestone resolution affirmed that women and girls suffer different consequences of conflict from men, and must be adequately protected. What’s more, it stressed that women’s participation in processes to prevent and resolve conflicts, as well as in post-conflict peacebuilding, is crucial to international peace and security.
As the world’s largest regional security organization, the OSCE plays a central role in promoting the women, peace and security agenda. This work will come into particular focus as the 20th anniversary of the adoption of resolution 1325 approaches.
In its capacity as Chair of the OSCE for 2019, Slovakia is hosting a photo competition with the theme “Women, Peace and the OSCE”. The aim is to shine a spotlight on what women are doing across the OSCE area to contribute to peace and security – whether through their work or in their daily lives.
Am I eligible?
Both women and men from across the OSCE area are invited to participate, provided that they are nationals of one of the 57 participating States of the OSCE.
What kind of photos can I submit?
We are looking for photos that show the women, peace and security agenda in action in the OSCE area. This means that the scope is wide. Maybe your photo will depict women who work for peace-related civil society organizations. Maybe it will show women mediators at work in the field. Or, maybe it will give us a different perspective on security. We are keeping an open mind - and so should you!
Please read our terms and conditions for more details: www.osce.org/chairmanship/415724
How do I enter?
It’s easy! Simply upload on Instagram any photo that you think speaks to the theme of “Women, Peace and the OSCE”, using the hashtag #WomenPeaceOSCE. Remember, we will only be able to see your entry if your Instagram account is public.
Alternatively, you can send your photo entry (not bigger than 8 MB) to wps@mzv.sk.
All photos must be uploaded to Instagram or sent via email by 15 May 2019.
The winning participants will be contacted on or before 31 May 2019*.
Final decisions will be made by a panel comprising representatives of the Permanent Mission of Slovakia to the OSCE and representatives of the OSCE Secretariat.
What could I win?
Shortlisted photos will be featured in an exhibition on Women, Peace and Security to be organized by Slovakia as the OSCE Chair later this year.
The winning photographer will be invited to join us in Vienna for the launch of the exhibit.
*As per the Terms and Conditions, candidates will be contacted for information and verification purposes before their places on the shortlist can be confirmed. More information available through our Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy.
This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram.