News and press releases
News and press releases from the OSCE's global activities.
Simplification of customs procedures focus of OSCE workshop in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 26 June 2017
Content type: News
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Economic activities, Border management
Astana, 26 June 2017- An OSCE-supported workshop organized to familiarise participants with international experience on customs control procedures during transit of goods and vehicles, took place on 26 June 2017 in Astana.
Combating corruption in the judiciary focus of OSCE workshop in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 19 June 2017
An OSCE-supported workshop for some 30 judges and regional court employees from Kazakhstan on best practices in combating corruption in the judiciary concluded on 19 June 2017 in Astana...
OSCE supports second workshop and roundtable discussion on women’s economic empowerment in Kazakhstan’s rural areas
Publishing date: 21 April 2017
An OSCE-supported two-day roundtable discussion and workshop on promoting rural entrepreneurship for women of the South Kazakhstan Region concluded on 21 April 2017 in Shymkent...
OSCE works with energy ministry to introduce strategic environmental assessment in Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 6 April 2017
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Economic activities, Environmental activities
ASTANA, 6 April 2017 – An OSCE-supported roundtable discussion on introducing the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in Kazakhstan began today in Astana, Kazakhstan...
OSCE supports workshop on women’s economic empowerment in rural areas of Kazakhstan
Publishing date: 30 March 2017
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Economic activities
SHORTANDY, Kazakhstan, 30 March 2017 – A two-day OSCE-supported roundtable discussion on economic empowerment of women living in rural areas of Kazakhstan began today in the village of Shortandy near Astana...
OSCE-supported workshop in Kazakhstan focuses on facilitating temporary import of goods
Publishing date: 3 March 2017
Some 70 officials from central and local customs authorities in Kazakhstan and members of the Chamber of Commerce and business community were trained on a system which allows entities to temporarily import goods into a country during a workshop supported by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana on 2 and 3 March 2017...
OSCE supports training of customs and police officers in Kazakhstan on countering transnational organized crime and drug trafficking
Publishing date: 2 November 2016
Content type: Press release
Where we are: OSCE Programme Office in Astana
What we do: Economic activities
PAVLODAR, Kazakhstan, 2 November 2016 – An OSCE-supported training seminar aimed at building the capacity of law enforcement to address transnational threats with a focus on trafficking in drugs, new psychoactive substances and synthetic drugs began today in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan...