10th Anniversary of the OSCE’s Berlin Conference on Anti-Semitism: High-Level Commemorative Event and Civil Society Forum
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With the ensuing Berlin Declaration, OSCE participating States acknowledged that anti-Semitism has assumed new forms and poses a threat to security and stability in the OSCE region. At the time, and at subsequent Ministerial Council Meetings, OSCE participating States assumed responsibility for addressing this challenge. In particular, they pledged to enact a comprehensive set of measures to respond to violent manifestations of anti-Semitism, whilst also committing themselves to implement educational activities to raise awareness about anti-Semitism and promote remembrance of the Holocaust. Ever since, the commitment to address and respond to anti-Semitism and other biases has been part of the OSCE’s work in the human dimension of security.
Ten years after the Berlin Declaration, it is time to take stock of how these commitments have been implemented and to review them in light of new challenges. To this end, a high-level commemorative event will be convened which, in addition to assessing what has been achieved, will also provide OSCE participating States with an opportunity to commit themselves to addressing today’s challenges related to anti-Semitism in line with human rights and fundamental freedoms. In line with its mandate to assist participating States in the implementation of their human dimension commitments, the ODIHR has undertaken to develop the OSCE/ODIHR Guidelines on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders.
The event will gather high-level government representatives and political leaders for facilitated conversations about challenges and good practices in countering anti-Semitism. It will also provide civil society organizations and representatives of the younger generation with an opportunity to develop and present recommendations to OSCE participating States.
- 12 November 2014, Wednesday: Civil society event
13 November 2014, Thursday: High-level event