Serbian translation of manual on police and Roma and Sinti presented in Belgrade

The Serbian version of an OSCE manual on good practices in building trust and understanding between police and Roma and Sinti communities was launched on 1 February 2012 in Belgrade. It will be disseminated among staff of Serbian institutions, notably the Interior Ministry, to be used in their work.
The Manual on Police and Roma and Sinti: Good Practices in Building Trust and Understanding, was developed by the OSCE Strategic Policing Matters Unit and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) to assist OSCE participating States in improving relations between the police and Roma and Sinti communities.
“The translation of the Manual into Serbian will assist the police in their interaction with these communities,” said Roar Larsen, the Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Law Enforcement Department. “With this publication, we seek to further support the Ministry’s efforts to provide quality service to diverse ethnic groups.”
“This February, a public debate on the Community Policing Development Strategy is expected to take place,” he added. “The Manual will be a useful tool for community policing officers working on a daily basis with Roma and Sinti population throughout Serbia.”
The Manual was created in line with the 2003 OSCE Action Plan on Improving the Situation of Roma and Sinti within the OSCE Area. The plan encouraged identifying principles and good practices which can be used in efforts to improve relations between the police and these minority communities.