Evaluation Network
The OSCE Evaluation Network was established by OIO in 2013. It is a cross-organizational mechanism that is open to OSCE officials from all executive structures who are involved in the planning, commissioning and managing of decentralized evaluations, or simply interested in exploring topics related to evaluation, and in strengthening results-based management in the organization overall. The Network serves both its members and other OSCE officials engaged in evaluation-related work.
The purpose of the evaluation network is to:
- To strengthen the evaluation culture in the OSCE and to improve results-based management overall;
- To enhance learning by sharing best practices and lessons learned on Monitoring & Evaluation;
- To create a community of practice engaged in supporting evaluation for evidence-based planning and decision-making;
- To build evaluation capacities of staff and management across the OSCE.
The Network holds regular interactive webinars and discussions on relevant topics. Presentations are made by OIO, other OSCE staff, and guest speakers from other international organizations or independent experts. Additional information and experience is shared through OIO’s online platform that includes a collection of evaluation guidelines and tools, good practices in evaluation, evaluation templates and other relevant guidance material.
OIO also provides advisory services to Evaluation Network members and other officials on how to design, commission and manage decentralized project evaluations.