
Evaluations are management tools that provide inputs for decision making, programme development, and organizational learning.
The Evaluation Unit of the OSCE's Office of Internal Oversight (OIO) manages and conducts independent evaluations to assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, coherence, impact and sustainability of the OSCE’s work. OIO’s evaluations are usually of a strategic nature and involve cross-cutting/cross-dimensional topics. Evaluations are guided by international evaluation standards and principles of gender equality and human rights. OIO’s reports make evidence-based recommendations and help strengthen the transparency and accountability of the organization.
The unit’s goal also is to enhance learning and development in the organization through these evaluations, through capacity development activities, knowledge management, and by providing guidance and back-stopping services to executive structures in the OSCE in order to enhance the OSCE's decentralized evalaution system. The unit also manages the organization's Evaluation Network that unites practicioners from all OSCE executives structures. It serves as the main mechanism for strengthening the overall evaluation culture in the organization.