Establishing dialogue across the country: Kyiv Youth Contact group starts developing projects to foster dialogue in Ukraine
The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM) together with the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine held a workshop on 24 October for the Youth Contact Group in Kyiv.
As a first step to implement Youth Contact Group dialog facilitation initiatives participants received expert training on project management from the staff of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine.
“During the workshop, the Kyiv Youth Contact Group members developed some skills that will help them to implement their local dialogue initiatives, but also skills that will be useful to them in everyday life,” said Peter Sharpe, OSCE Youth Ambassador.
At this stage, the members of the Kyiv Youth Contact Group are working on developing their dialogue projects. As soon as the projects are finalised they will work together with OSCE SMM members to implement their initiatives across Ukraine to assist with the dialogue facilitation aimed at easing tensions.