OSCE supports roundtable discussion on environmental public hearings in Kazakhstan

The OSCE-supported roundtable discussion on conducting and monitoring public hearings as a tool for public participation in environmental decision-making in the Karaganda region took place on 3 October 2019 in Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
The roundtable discussion was organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan and the Public Fund Karaganda Regional Ecological Museum (Ecomuzey).
Fifty representatives from government bodies, environmental NGOs, media and the private sector attended the event. Ecomuzey presented a report, developed during the past six months, when it monitored hearings organized by the government and private entities in the Karaganda region.
Participants discussed common violations of environmental legislation and the preparing and organization of public hearings on environmental matters. Other issues included existing challenges in ensuring public participation and developing recommendations on how to effectively engage the public in decision-making in line with the Aarhus Convention principles.
A similar activity was supported in Pavlodar where a local Aarhus Centre monitored public hearings in the Pavlodar Region for the last six months and presented the results on 27 September. The recommendations for both activities have been summarised and forwarded to the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources for possible incorporation in the new environmental code that is expected to be passed by the end of 2019.
The event is part of the OSCE Programme Office’s longstanding efforts to promote good environmental governance and to assist the host country in meeting its commitments under the Aarhus Convention.