OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe
Rule of law

Respect for the rule of law is essential to ensure human dignity. (Shutterstock/icedmocha)
This area of the Programme Office’s work focuses on building the capacity of the government to develop legislative framework and associated mechanisms for probation, risk assessment, rehabilitation and reintegration programmes for adult and juvenile offenders. Part of this work aims to facilitate and support the establishment of mechanisms to safeguard the treatment and conditions of detained and imprisoned persons, including that for alternative sentencing, rehabilitation and reintegration. The Office provides technical assistance and a platform for dialogue for an intergovernmental working group. The group consists of civil society representatives and experts for the implementation of the programme on penitentiary reform. The Office gives capacity-building support to the Working Group on Reforming the System Providing Justice for Children. The Programme is part of implementing the 2017-2021 National Action Plan on Juvenile Justice System Reform. In close co-operation with the Training Centre of the Supreme Court, the Programme Office provides support for the development of the judicial handbook on managing cases related to extremist and terrorist activity. Assistance includes capacity-building support for judges in managing such cases. The Office helped to establish and continues to support a production unit in the female detention center in Nurek. Further assistance includes setting up training classes to facilitate vocational training for prisoners involved in the production unit. The Office facilitates the work of the Coordination Council of the Penitentiary Reform, where government officials, civil society representatives, experts and international organizations will co-ordinate plans and activities on penitentiary reform.