OSCE supports training seminar on administrative anti-corruption practices

A four-day training seminar on implementing administrative anti-corruption practices, co-organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana and the Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption Agency, concluded in Astana on 29 November 2018. Some 50 representatives from the agency’s central and regional offices participated in the seminar.
The seminar covered such topics as the co-operation between state and society in countering corruption, contentious definitions of corruption, and what sets corruption offences apart from administrative corruption or disciplinary offenses. The participants also familiarized themselves with preventive practices and awareness-raising among public office holders, and conducted comparative analyses of anti-corruption agencies in OSCE countries.
The OSCE-supported local and international instructors also reviewed theoretical and practical aspects of administrative anti-corruption practices, and discussed methods of their effective application. During practical assignments, the trainees had the opportunity to audit existing administrative anti-corruption practices by identifying corruption risks and applying best international practices.
The training seminar was part of the Programme Office’s multi-year efforts to promote good governance by focusing on anti-corruption activities in Kazakhstan.