OSCE trains transport police in Kazakhstan on risk profiling at transportation facilities

An OSCE-supported five-day training seminar on risk profiling techniques to ensure public safety at transportation facilities concluded on 20 April 2018 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
The seminar aimed at building the capacity of 25 transport police officers from across Kazakhstan and instructors from higher education institutions of the country’s Internal Affairs Ministry.
It was co-organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs at the United States Embassy in Astana, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Central Asian Regional Information Co-ordination Centre for Combating Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors (CARICC).
Experts from the Association of Psychologists of Kazakhstan, CARICC and a national law enforcement expert discussed the history and foundation of risk profiling for individuals, ways to analyse patterns and behaviour of passengers, techniques for interviewing passengers, diffusing potential conflicts involving passengers and better techniques to find hidden contraband in different forms of transportation.
The experts organized a set of practical exercises that provided the participants with the opportunity to apply their newly-acquired skills.
The event is part of the OSCE Programme Office in Astana’s activities to enhance security, increase accountability, and promote best practices related to security in the host country.