OSCE Programme Office in Astana supports training event on risk profiling for Kazakhstan’s Coast Guard

Countering transnational threats through the organization of risk profiling during sea vessel searches was the focus of an OSCE-supported five-day training course that concluded in Aktau, Kazakhstan on 26 January 2018.
Twenty officers of the Coast Guard of the Border Service of Kazakhstan’s National Security Committee took part in the training seminar entitled “Organization of profiling during search of sea vessels aimed at countering transnational crime.”
The training event was co-organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, the United States Embassy in Kazakhstan and the Association of Psychologists of Kazakhstan.
Experts from the Association of Psychologists of Kazakhstan provided officers of the Coast guard with the skills to develop a system of risk profiling and introduced them with ways to develop an actionable risk profile. Participants were familiarized with techniques for in-depth psychological analysis of a suspect’s verbal and non-verbal behaviour and for identifying specific risk indicators. The agenda of the training seminar was specifically developed to address the distinctive features of protecting borders against criminals at sea.
The event is one of the Programme Office’s activities aimed at enhancing the host country’s border security and promoting integrated border security management while countering transnational threats.