Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina
National Assembly Election, 22-23 November 1997
- In accordance with Article III, 2. (e) of Annex 3 of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (the Dayton Agreement), the OSCE/ODIHR continued its observation role and extended the presence of its already established Election Observation Mission for the Municipal Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina to include the observation of the Republika Srpska National Assembly Election.
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Municipal Elections, 13-14 September 1997
- In accordance with Article III, 2. (e) of Annex 3 of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (the Dayton Agreement), the OSCE/ODIHR established an Election Observation Mission in May, to assess the Municipal Elections on 13-14 September in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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General Elections, 14 September 1996
- In accordance with Article III, 2, (e) of Annex 3 of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (the Dayton agreement), and based on the decisions taken by the OSCE Ministerial Council in Budapest on December 7-8, 1995, Mr. Eduard van Thijn of the Netherlands was appointed Co-ordinator for International Monitoring (CIM) of the elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Almost one thousand international observers provided a broad presence throughout the country on election day.
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