Roundtable discussion on exploring the relationship between education on the Holocaust and education to combat anti-Semitism
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OSCE participating States have committed themselves to promoting Holocaust remembrance and combating anti-Semitism through education. Although many activities are under way to implement these commitments, the relationship between education on the Holocaust and education to combat anti-Semitism remains underexplored.
The purpose of the meeting is to provide a platform for experts and practitioners to discuss challenges and good practices related to Holocaust education and education to combat anti-Semitism.
The discussion will bring together experts from the ITF as well as experts representing Holocaust memorials, Jewish museums, educational institutions and non-governmental organizations in eastern Europe to explore the relationship between Holocaust education and education to combat anti-Semitism both conceptually and practically. While the meeting includes the participation of experts from a variety of backgrounds, the focus is specifically on the challenges and opportunities in eastern Europe.
The objectives of the meeting are threefold, and it aims at:
- facilitating a discussion on the relationship between education on the Holocaust and education to combat anti-Semitism;
- sharing good practices and discussing conceptual questions related to the educational activities of Holocaust memorials and Jewish museums in eastern Europe;
- and, strengthening international co-operation in this area by providing a forum for dialogue for experts from different parts of the OSCE region.
The meeting will take place at the ITF Secretariat in Berlin.