Call for Registration: Training for Civil Society on Addressing Anti-Christian Hate Crime
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This event, taking place on 8 and 10 March, will train up to 20 civil society representatives, including those from faith-based organizations and religious or belief communities, on recording and reporting hate crimes motivated by bias against Christians. The participants will be selected from across the OSCE region based on their work and interest in promoting tolerance and non-discrimination, including anti-Christian hate crime.
The training will equip participants with the practical skills to identify, record and report anti-Christian hate crime. In particular, the training will deepen participants’ understanding of such crimes, including the fact that victims may be targeted for multiple identity characteristics, such as gender, ethnicity and nationality.
Participants will also have the opportunity to learn more about ODIHR’s approach to hate crime data collection, as well as the benefits of ensuring that anti-Christian hate crimes are reported.
The training will also provide a valuable platform for co-ordinating civil society efforts to address intolerance and discrimination. To this end, participants will be encouraged to explore potential next steps – such as the creation of civil society coalitions to counter hate crime across different communities and geographical regions.
To take part in the training, please contact Tatjana Perić at