CSCE Third Follow-up Meeting begins in Vienna
4 November 1986 (All day)

The Vienna Follow-up Meeting called for the conference on the human dimension, which laid the ground work for CSCE/OSCE human rights activities. (Lubomir Kotek/OSCE) Photo details
From 4 November 1986 to 19 January 1989, Vienna hosted the Third Follow-up Meeting of the CSCE. The process of détente was examined, setting the stage for in-depth discussions on the principles outlined in the Helsinki Final Act.
State representatives debated questions of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. The Vienna Mechanism, adopted during the meeting, made it obligatory for one participating State to respond to requests for information by another.
The States also decided to hold a conference on the human dimension, which was held in three stages:
- Paris (30 May - 23 June 1989)
- Copenhagen (5-29 June 1990)
- Moscow (10 September - 4 October 1991)
The Vienna Meeting also reviewed advances made at the Stockholm Conference on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures from 1984 to 1986, and noted the progress in negotiations on military security and disarmament.