OSCE’s #WeCooperate closes with millions mobilised to work together to achieve peace and security

VIENNA, 19 June 2015 - Two months on the OSCE’s #WeCooperate campaign is drawing to a close, having reached an audience of nearly three million people with the message that co-operation is the path to peace and security.
The campaign aimed to show that everyone has a stake in building security, as all aspects of the OSCE’s work touch the daily lives of people in its region. It encouraged hundreds of people to send photos, videos, short texts and tweets highlighting co-operation in all its forms - from civil society projects to day-to-day team work.
With the support of United Nations and European Union agencies, other international organizations and institutions, academic and youth networks, #WeCooperate quickly spread through social media networks, becoming itself a great example of co-operation reaching out to people well beyond the OSCE region.
“I thank all those who supported the cause and joined the campaign,” said OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier. “The creativity and innovation which people demonstrated in their contributions was inspiring for us all. Their enthusiasm underscores the importance of the OSCE’s continuing engagement with youth.”
Every two weeks the OSCE announced a new #WeCooperate winner, awarding different prizes to highlight various areas of the OSCE work.
The prize handed out first by the OSCE – a solar backpack – went to the ‘Mehr-Shavkat’ Public Fund based in Aravan, Kyrgyzstan, for their photo on a project on empowering women in the agricultural sector.
The prize given out second by the OSCE – a GoPro camera – went to Master’s Degree student Viola Schipfer in Vienna, who submitted many creative entries highlighting co-operation in her day-to-day life.
A quiz rewarded four lucky winners with a spot prize to meet Finland’s contestants for the Eurovision Song Contest in person at Vienna’s Hofburg Palace.
The campaign’s main prize – a trip to an OSCE event - went to Shend Mulliqi from Prishtinë/Priština, whose entries highlighted the importance of teamwork, sportsmanship and passion in achieving goals.
#WeCooperate stories are worth telling – and the OSCE will continue doing so, because co-operation matters!
Learn more about the campaign at: www.osce.org/home/164876