On the same side of the table: OSCE Mission to Moldova trains officials from both banks of Dniestr/Nistru on negotiations

Officials from both banks of the Dniestr/Nistru River took part in a training seminar on negotiation skills in Vadul Lui Voda, hosted by the OSCE Mission to Moldova from 13 to 15 February, 2012.
Trainers from the Netherlands, Paul Meerts from the Clingendael Institute for International Relations and Sami Faltas from Groeningen-based Centre for European Security Studies, offered an intensive programme with practical exercises covering different types of negotiations.
“We at the OSCE see such events as an important confidence-building measure,” says Jan Plešinger, acting Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova. “They help create a good atmosphere, outline generic rules and better understand each other’s visions and expectations, which will also be helpful in actual negotiations,” he stressed. Listening to and understanding the other party is key to achieving success in negotiations, Plešinger said.
Meerts praised the seminar participant for their attention and active participation: “Every single participant has contributed. A key training concept is that we do not talk about negotiations – we actually negotiate and thus learn how to manage the process from onset to the end.”
“It was useful, interesting – and really tough”, said Yekaterina Trentovskaya, one of the participants. “This practical, hands-on approach to negotiations helped me understand that I have to make concessions if I want to achieve anything.”