Broadcast Regulation Master Class
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The Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media presents a new initiative, a Master Class in Broadcasting Regulation.
The Master Class will take place on 26-28 March 2012, in Istanbul, Turkey. It will provide training for broadcast regulators from the South Caucasus and Central Asia on the emerging issues of convergence, spectrum management, intellectual property rights and the digital switchover while preserving media pluralism.
This comprehensive course will bring together approximately 40 high-level representatives of broadcasting regulatory authorities, staff of government ministries associated with broadcasting and broadcast regulatory policy, parliamentarians involved in drafting broadcast regulations and legal experts working in the field.
The Master Class will be facilitated by well-known international consultants with global expertise in communications, regulation, broadcasting and media law. The agenda will combine plenary sessions with ample time for small group discussion, and will give the opportunity for participants to share experiences, solutions and concerns.