OSCE media watchdog issues report on work of media during Andijan crisis in Uzbekistan

VIENNA, 15 June 2005 - The coverage of the events and the Government's handling of the press during the Andijan crisis in Uzbekistan last May are the subject of a report issued today by Miklos Haraszti, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media.
It provides information on cases of news blockage and lists cases of harassment of journalists and of Internet and TV media outlets during and after the events in Andijan.
"The gap between the Government and press reports on the events, and the differing casualty figures, are telling signs of an information blockade; of a lack of mutually-agreed verification procedures; and of a lack of cooperation between the authorities and the press," wrote Haraszti.
"Working with the press in times of crisis is a learning process," Haraszti said, "but it is also an important contribution to the peaceful solution of crises, as it is part of society's right to information".
The Report contains detailed recommendations and can be accessed on