12th Ministerial Council
6 December 2004 (All day) - 7 December 2004 (All day)
Sofia, Bulgaria
Organized by
Bulgarian OSCE Chairmanship

OSCE Chairman-in-Office Solomon Passy (left) welcomes Secretary General Jan Kubis to the OSCE Ministerial Council in Sofia, 6 December 2004. (OSCE/Svetoslav Stanchev) Photo details
The Ministerial Council is the central decision-making and governing body of the OSCE. The meeting, held annually, provides the Foreign Ministers of the 57 OSCE participating States an opportunity to review and assess the Organization’s activities and strengthen the dialogue on security issues in the OSCE area.
Final Decisions and Declarations
The following final decisions and declarations were adopted at the 12th OSCE Ministerial Council in Sofia:
- Ministerial Statement on Preventing and combating terrorism
- Declaration on the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II
- Statement on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
- Decision on the extension of the mandate of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
- Decision on the elaboration of an OSCE border security and management concept
- Decision on combating the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes
- Decision on Travel Documents
- Decision on further implementing the OSCE document on stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition
- Decision on OSCE standard elements of end-user certificates and verification procedures for SALW exports
- Decision on OSCE principles on the control of brokering in small arms and light weapons
- Decision on OSCE principles for export controls of man-portable air defence systems(MANPADS)
- Decision on enhancing container security
- Decision on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Economic Forum
- Decision on combating corruption
- Decision on tolerance and non-discrimination
- Decision on the special needs for child victims of trafficking for protection and assistance
- Decision on the 2004 OSCE Action Plan for the Promotion of Gender Equality
- Decision on the role of the OSCE Secretary General
- Decision on the establishment of a panel of eminent persons on strengthening the effectiveness of the OSCE
- Decision on the OSCE and its Partners for Co-operation
- Decision on the OSCE Chairmanship in the year 2007
- Decision on the time and place of the next meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council