Roundtable on Methodology of Organized Crime Risk and Threat Assessments in Ukraine
Organized by
The event aims to discuss development of a methodology of organized crime risk and threat assessments in Ukraine, as well as the prospects of its further implementation. The representatives from governmental authorities and academia dealing with the issues of combating organized crime in Ukraine will attend the event.
The Roundtable will be organized in the framework of the project on capacity building in the sphere of combating transnational organized crime that the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine implements in co-operation with the country's Security Service.
Venue: Kyiv, Ukraine; conference hall at the Kyiv regional scientific centre of the National Academy of Legal Sciences (3, Pylyp Orlyk Str., Kyiv). The round table starts at 10.00 a.m on June 22, 2012.
For further information on the event, please contact Olena Diak, Rule of Law Unit Project Assistant of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine: + 38 044 492 03 82,