OSCE supports Ukraine’s efforts to adapt to climate change

A study on adaptation to climate change in European Union countries and how these experiences could be implemented in Ukraine was discussed by experts and central government policy makers in Kyiv on 28 February 2012. The seminar was part of an Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) project implemented in co-operation with the OSCE Office of the Co-ordinator for Economic and Environmental Activities.
Participants discussed EU countries’ experiences in developing methodologies, adaptation strategies and practices at the national, regional and local levels to address climate change. Eric Masey, the OSCE expert and author of the study, gave an overview of existing adaptation measures in different sectors, and provided concrete examples of policy implementation.
Ambassador Lubomir Kopaj, OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine stressed that co-ordination and co-operation among different Ukrainian agencies are crucial to tackle the risks associated with climate change.
The seminar was organized as a follow up to the project “Security Implications of Climate Change in the OSCE region”, which considered several food security scenarios in Eastern Europe and developed recommendations on how to address risks deriving from climate change.
The publication “Climate Change in Eastern Europe” was presented during the seminar and is available electronically on the ENVSEC website (http://www.envsec.org).