OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine donates IT equipment to help Interior Ministry to combat cybercrime, human trafficking

The OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine (PCU) handed over computers, monitors and docking stations to the country’s Interior Ministry on 27 December 2011.
Ambassador Lubomir Kopaj, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine, and Serhiy Chernykh, the Acting Interior Minister of Ukraine, signed the donation agreement. The equipment will be used to train staff of the Ministry’s Department for Combating Cybercrime and Trafficking in Human Beings.
The donation is part of a PCU-implemented project to advance the capacity of Ukrainian institutions to better prosecute trafficking in human beings and assist victims.
In 2011, the PCU also supported an assessment of the Department’s training and equipment needs, conducted a roundtable meeting on international practices and technical means for cybercrime investigation, and organized a study visit to the UK.
Kopaj said that the PCU, upon the request of the Interior Ministry, stands ready to continue working with the Ministry to develop online courses on cybercrime investigation, train the trainers to disseminate expertise in the field, and expand training facilities.