OSCE trains local administrations in Ukraine on integrating gender equality

ODESSA, Ukraine, 16 April 2010 - Integrating gender equality aspects in the work of local governments is the focus of a two-day training workshop that began in Odessa today.
The workshop is organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) with the support of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine. It brings together 30 representatives of local self-government bodies from the districts of Kirovograd, Zaporizhya and Chernivtsi.
"The role of elected representatives and local officials is critical in ensuring that local policies and programmes uphold the principle of gender equality, and that these programmes serve and benefit women and men equally and equitably," said Ambassador Lubomir Kopaj, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine, in his opening remarks.
The training workshop on integrating gender equality in local policies will also introduce European initiatives and good practices in the field of promoting women's participation in political and public life.
ODIHR's ongoing programme on raising the awareness and expertise of government representatives and civil society activists in promoting gender equality and participation of women in politics will serve as a basis for the training.
"We are interested in how other countries have introduced gender-sensitive policymaking at the local level. In addition, the workshop is a great opportunity for us to learn about successful strategies for promoting more women in local politics," said Svetlana Pokhodenko, a member of the City Council of Zaporizhya.
The training workshop is led by experts from Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan and Lithuania, representing women's non-governmental organizations with long-standing experience in promoting gender equality reforms. Representatives of the European Women's Lobby as well as the Ukrainian Women's Fund will speak at the event. The results of the workshop will be discussed at a nationwide Forum on Women's Political Participation in Ukraine, to be held in Kyiv on 28 May.