OSCE supports expert debate in Kyiv on constitutional changes in the area of judicial reform
KYIV, 19 November 2015 – Amendments to Ukraine’s Constitution that are essential for judicial reform are being debated today by experts, officials, diplomats and academic representatives at an event organized by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine.
During the debate, which is being held at the request of the Administration of President and in partnership with Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre, participants will discuss issues related to removing political influence on the judiciary, purging the judicial system as well as tackling corruption among judges.
Supporters and opponents of the proposed reform measures will share their arguments with the wider public, while representatives of the diplomatic community will share their expertise and advise on the assistance they can provide to support the reforms.
“When implementing profound and comprehensive changes it is never enough just to prepare good legal documents,” said Vaidotas Verba, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine. “The proposed reforms should be widely discussed with the public and explained in detail – this is the only way to ensure the public’s support for them and their success.”
The event is organized as part of the Supporting National Dialogue for Reforms, Justice and Development project, which is being implemented by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine, with the financial support of the governments of Germany and the United States.