Co-operation between law enforcement agencies discussed at OSCE Border Management Staff College in Dushanbe
DUSHANBE, 26 June 2012 – A roundtable discussion on co-operation between law enforcement agencies and the challenges and approaches involved was held at the OSCE Border Management Staff College today.
Law enforcement and border officials from Afghanistan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Kyrgyzstan, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Romania, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and the United States discussed cross-border co-operation between law enforcement agencies and possibilities to improve it. They looked at various case studies aimed at developing analytical and problem-solving skills.
“Ensuring security of borders is a common goal, therefore exchanging information and developing co-operation between law enforcement and border agencies from different states is a significant measure to effectively counter cross-border threats,” said Julia Klaus, Director of the OSCE Border Management Staff College. “Everyone must have a say in this important business. We are glad to initiate this discussion and provide border officials with a unique opportunity to talk over the best practices and identify more efficient ways to tackle modern security challenges.”
The meeting is part of a one-month staff course for high-ranking officers and managers of border guard, customs and drug control agencies.