OSCE organizes training workshop in Tajikistan on “green economy”
DUSHANBE, 14 June 2014 – A two-day training workshop, organized by the OSCE Office in Tajikistan in co-operation with the Ecological Commission of the Parliament of Tajikistan, on the concept and practice of the “green economy” concluded in Dushanbe on 13 June.
The training workshop was conducted by an international consultant. Representatives of government and civil society who took part expanded their knowledge of international best practices in developing the green economy.
“The green economy policies are about the quality of life of future generations, and exchange of international experience and best practices is vital for the effective elaboration of such policies,” said Ambassador Markus Mueller, the Head of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan.
Mahmadsharif Khakdodov, Chair of the Ecological Commission of the Parliament of Tajikistan welcomed the OSCE’s support for the initiative: “The green economy is a starting point for the sustainable development of the country.”
This workshop provided the basis for a national working group supported by the OSCE and composed of government officials and technical experts to formulate recommendations on the legislative and policy changes required to support the development of the green economy in Tajikistan.