OSCE assists Ukrainian partners in spreading safety messages on the occasion of the World Day against Trafficking in Persons

As the war displaced millions of Ukrainians or pushed them to the verge by destroying homes and businesses, the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, marked on 30 July each year, provided yet another occasion for the OSCE Secretariat Extra-Budgetary Support Programme for Ukraine (SPU) to join efforts of state agencies, civil society and international organizations in campaigning to warn people about growing risks to fall victim of human trafficking.
For that, the Programme elaborated notepads with designs and messages promoting self-care for people who appeared in a difficult situation, prompting their awareness of risks, related to unofficial employment, encouraging them to clarify conditions of suspicious job offers. The materials, available for download here, also inform about available assistance for those who suffered from traffickers, provide reference to useful resources, draw attention to the fact that trafficking is a criminal offence with prosecution and law enforcement tools in place to punish it.
The materials will be handed over to the National Police, notable its Departments of Migration Police and Human Rights, for further distribution among those in risk of trafficking. In addition, the Programme’s experts and employees deliver lectures for the cadets of universities in the system of the Ministry of Interior to help enhance their understanding of this crime, its causes and consequences, and about ways to assist the victims. Lecturers and students of those universities are organizing safety lessons in schools and other outreach and awareness-raising events with the use of the OSCE materials.
“Law enforcers are ready to act on those exploiting vulnerability of people who lost their homes or stable income. But it is always better to prevent this horrendous crime, so that people do not suffer from traffickers. That is why it is important that we together with our international partners, including the OSCE, push for people to stay vigilant and avoid mistakes that may cost them not only their freedom, time and unpaid labor, but also health and even in severe cases endanger their lives”, said Yuriy Parkhomenko, Head of Department of Migration Police of Ukraine.
For the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine the Programme developed communication products for social media channels, relevant safety messages are also shared through the SPU’s part of the OSCE website and Facebook page.
The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and Thomson Reuters are proudly partnering together on the “Be Safe” campaign which provides critical information and advice to help Ukrainians spot the warning signs of traffickers, minimise the risks and get assistance. More information here: OSCE (helpforukrainians.info).