OSCE Mission to Skopje contributes to better lawmaking
The OSCE Mission to Skopje is holding a four-day seminar in the “training of trainers” format for twelve national trainers in the lawmaking area from 27 to 30 June 2012.
The course is part of an ongoing project implemented in close partnership with the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, that aims at strengthening capacity and expertise of the national administration to ensure good-quality, effective and inclusive process of drafting and implementation of laws.
The seminar participants have diverse professional backgrounds as civil servants in various government agencies. The course aims at enlarging and empowering the group of trainers through augmenting their professional skills and competence, boosting their motivation and advancing their knowledge and expertise in the complex area of policy and lawmaking.
After the completion of the course, the best participants will deliver two cycles of basic and advanced training targeting other staff of national administration bodies. The basic training will be tailored according to the needs of recently appointed civil servants, whereas the advanced trainings will target more experienced members of the administration. The interactive and participatory training will provide law drafters with practical skills and useful knowledge for their everyday work.