OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission to Skopje helps prevent gun violence

SKOPJE, 21 October 2010 - Authors of the three best drawings that became winners of an OSCE-supported national competition will receive prizes at a ceremony in Skopje today.
Almost 3,000 students from 5th to 8th grades of primary school from all over the country submitted their drawings to the contest on the topic of gun violence prevention.
The contest was part of the Action Against Gun Violence project, initiated by a non-governmental organization Civil - Centre for Freedom and supported by the OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission to Skopje and the Interior Ministry. The purpose of this project is to minimize the risks of small arms and light weapons by raising awareness of the need to overcome the "gun culture" and act preventively.
"Every day we see new dangers posed by small arms and light weapons. Crimes and tragic incidents are taking lives, increasing insecurity and fear. Such threats are severely affecting development and democratic processes. The OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission is committed to help the country deal with gun violence, and this contest was to help young people think about the risk these weapons present," said Paulo Costa, the Head of the Mission's Police Development Department.
Violeta Andonovska, the Chairperson of the National Commission for Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons within Interior Ministry identified protecting citizens from gun violence by acting preventively as one of the Ministry's priorities. "The Ministry seeks to protect citizens, especially young people, from becoming victims of gun violence," she said.
President of Civil - Centre for Freedom Xhabir M. Deralla added: "Weapons are designed to kill. They are one of the major obstacles to development, and have a devastating effect on peace and human rights. Arts are excellent tools to promote positive changes in society. When children - with their genuine creativity and sincere emotions - are carriers of the message, it becomes incomparably stronger, for they are the most tragic victims of gun violence."
The best drawings were selected by a joint commission established by the OSCE, Civil - Centre for Freedom and the Ministry representatives. The winning artworks will be used to design posters, pin badges and a calendar for 2011.