OSCE Mission to Skopje trains custody officers on new criminal procedure law
The OSCE Mission to Skopje trained some 150 custody officers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs from 27 March to 22 June 2014 on the effective application of the new Law on criminal procedure that came into force in December last year.
The officers were trained on their role and duties in line with the Law, including new approaches and measures taken during detention and arrest as well as on the rights of suspects during detention, and the relationship between the public prosecutor and the police.
The series of advanced trainings were organized by the OSCE Mission to Skopje in co-operation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and delivered by high-ranking police officers, lawyers, judges, prosecutors and legal practitioners.
The next two training modules will be conducted from August until December.
The course follows a preparatory workshop for the trainers that took place in Gevgelija from 7 to 8 March 2014.