OSCE Mission to Serbia organizes seminar on management of temporarily seized criminal assets
The OSCE Mission to Serbia in partnership with the Italian Embassy in Belgrade on 6 and 7 April 2011 organized a seminar on effective and transparent methods for managing temporarily seized assets deriving from criminal activity. The seminar was the first of its kind.
Participants in the seminar learned how to manage complex forms of assets, such as companies and private enterprise. The agenda also included how to safeguard economic value of seized assets pending completion of criminal proceedings and the respect of personal and property rights of all citizens.
Experts from the Italian financial police and the Italian Agency managing assets seized from organized crime conducted the training course for representatives of the Serbian police, judiciary and the Directorate for Management of Seized Assets.
The OSCE Mission has supported the development of a modern system for asset seizure in Serbia since 2004. After the country adopted legislation on assets seizure in 2008, the OSCE Mission has advocated a judicious application of the law. In 2011, it will continue monitoring the enforcement of the law and supporting all relevant institutions in the process.