OSCE Mission to Serbia, Justice Ministry, USAID support discussion about draft law on financing of political activities

BELGRADE, 3 March 2011 – Representatives of the Justice Ministry, the Anti-corruption Agency, political parties, civil society and the media today discussed a draft law on financing of political activities at an event supported by the OSCE Mission to Serbia and USAID and the Justice Ministry.
Members of the working group that had drafted the law presented its provisions to political party members and journalists. The OSCE Mission and USAID supported the drafting of the proposal.
A joint opinion on the law by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission also was discussed during the meeting. In addition, a member of the Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption and a representative of the non-governmental organization Transparency Serbia presented their views on the draft law.
“The clarification of the legal framework on financing of political activities is crucial, especially with elections approaching. Greater transparency in political parties' finances, both during day-to-day work and electoral campaigns, is crucial for increasing voters’ confidence. We expect the draft law to be passed as soon as possible,” said Thomas Moore, Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia.
Zorana Markovic, Director of the Anti-corruption Agency, added:
“The Anti-corruption Agency is prepared to assume greater responsibility in supervising the financing of political activities. The adoption of this law will be a clear sign of Serbia’s progress in improving its legal framework for combating corruption.”