The Green Address Book is a user-friendly manual containing contacts of institutions holding information relevant for the environmental security of communities in Vojvodina when environmental rights are violated. This database contains phone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses and web sites of institutions responsible for environmental protection at municipal, provincial and national levels. The purpose of this guide is to raise public awareness of possibilities for their active engagement in resolving environmental concerns by addressing competent institutions.
The brochure was produced within the project, "Promotion of environmental activism in Šumadija and South-West Serbia“ and implemented by the Volunteer Centre Kragujevac with the support of the OSCE Mission to Serbia under the Environment and Security (ENVSEC) Initiative.
The Manual "Gender and Waste Management - Introducing gender perspective in local action plans for waste management" was published with support of the OSCE Mission to Serbia`s Democratization Department and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ). Published in August 2011.
Uputstvo za odmeravanje kazne za prekršaje iz obasti ekologije - Priručnik za sudije prekršajnih sudova
The “Guidelines on the methods of setting fines for environmental violations - Manual for misdemeanour judges” provide guidance to misdemeanour judges in standardizing the penalty policy throughout the country, created in line with the newly adopted environmental laws in Serbia.
Vodič za operatere i druge korisnike kroz propise iz oblasti zaštite životne sredine (II deo)
A handbook entitled: “Guide to environmental legislation for operators and other practitioners II” is intended to assist industrial operators in implementation of the newly adopted environmental regulations governing their work, but will also support the work of environmental inspectors, judges, prosecutors and others in charge of environmental legislation enforcement.