Gender-sensitive and victim-centred approaches to media reporting on gender-based violence at the heart of OSCE round tables in South-Eastern Europe
Between December 2023 and February 2024, the OSCE organized five national round tables in South-Eastern Europe bringing together media, law enforcement government and civil society representatives to discuss how to foster gender-sensitive and victim-centred approaches to media reporting on gender-based violence (GBV).
These events sparked dialogue and insights on how to reshape reporting norms and ensure the necessary mechanisms are in place to support victims. The series of round tables brought together 470 participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia who discussed current practices and identified areas for improvement by underscoring the need for consideration of ethics, sensitivity and accuracy. Participants acknowledged the need to portray GBV cases with empathy while upholding journalistic standards. They also recognized the need for collaborative efforts to amplify the voices of victims and dismantle barriers to justice and support services.
Participants highlighted the need to increase understanding among law enforcement officers and media professionals about the importance of sensitive reporting on GBV and to recognize the role the media plays in shaping societal perceptions and responses to GBV cases.
The discussions also underscored the importance of collaborative efforts across sectors to combat GBV effectively. By fostering dialogue, sharing expertise and promoting empathy-driven reporting practices, the round tables marked a step towards creating safer, more supportive environments for victims of GBV, while challenging the societal norms that perpetuate violence.
The first round table took place in Belgrade on 4 December 2023 and was followed by roundtable discussions in Podgorica on 7 December 2023, Sarajevo on 12 December 2023, Skopje on 15 December 2023 and Tirana on 27 February 2024. The round tables brought together a diverse array of participants, including police officers and cadets, prosecutors, judicial professionals, journalists, editors, legal experts, gender advocates, NGO representatives, academics, researchers and university students.
The events were organized by the OSCE's Transnational Threats Department, in co-ordination with national law enforcement authorities and the respective OSCE Field Operations in each participating State. The round tables were organized as part of the OSCE project "Enhancing Criminal Justice Capacities for Combating Gender-based Violence in South-Eastern Europe", funded by Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy and Norway.