OSCE brings together Ukrainian women leaders to discuss effective strategies for increasing women's leadership

From 22 to 24 May 2023, six prominent Ukrainian women peacebuilders, civil society representatives and mediators gathered in Vienna to discuss actions required to support women's leadership and participation in all decision-making processes. After two online meetings, this was the first in-person gathering of the group, organized by the Gender Issues Program in the Office of the Secretary General within the framework of the WIN-supported OSCE Networking Platform of Women Peace Leaders, including Peacebuilders and Mediators launched by Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid in December 2021.
During their visit, the participants shared their experiences and perspectives on the war against Ukraine with the OSCE Secretary General, the participating States and donors of the WIN project, as well as staff of the OSCE Secretariat. Among many issues, participants called for ensuring women’s meaningful participation in recovery planning and strengthening the support for grass-root women activists. They welcomed the networking platform provided by the OSCE as a unique opportunity to connect diverse women mediators and peacebuilders and to provide them with a safe space to share experiences and shape common strategies.
"Supporting the work of women peacebuilders and women-led organizations operating on the ground remains a top priority for the OSCE," said OSCE Secretary General Schmid, "they must be empowered, supported, and recognized for the critical work they do for their communities in times of peace and in times of war. The OSCE is well placed to provide these spaces to enhance women’s participation and influence in peace processes at all levels," she underscored.
Despite the overwhelming challenges posed by the ongoing war, Ukrainian women have stood at the forefront of humanitarian responses. Leading civil society organizations, they provide life-saving and essential support to entire communities, addressing the consequences of war and providing support to survivors of gender-based and conflict-related sexual violence.
But despite progress, further efforts are necessary to ensure the continued inclusion of women in all relevant decision-making processes. "The variety of women's experiences and voices must be heard and considered when shaping the present and future of Ukraine," highlighted Marta Chumalo, a prominent human rights defender and co-founder of the NGO "Center "Women's Perspectives".
During the event, the participants presented concrete recommendations on how to amplify the voices of women. The three-day event also included sessions on how to build self-resilience within women’s civil society and how to develop strategies to enhance women's leadership during and after conflict.
Above all, the participants emphasized the importance of including women in decision-making and peace-building processes and the need to bring their participation and crucial work to the forefront. In this context, the OSCE has a vital role to play in empowering and supporting Ukrainian women.
The event is a part of the multi-year project WIN for Women and Men on strengthening comprehensive security through innovating and networking for gender equality, which aims to build capacity and increase participation of women in conflict prevention, mediation, and other processes relevant to comprehensive security.