OSCE supports Moldova in addressing security challenges

From 13 to 17 March, the OSCE conducted a five-day needs assessment visit to Moldova on the country’s law enforcement structures. This visit, in response to the security challenges in the region, took place in co-operation with the OSCE Mission to Moldova.
The war against Ukraine has directly affected Moldova’s public and security sectors, with the authorities facing increasing challenges in addressing the influx of people and goods coming into, or transiting through, the country.
During the visit, OSCE officials met with the Head of the General Police Inspectorate (GPI) and representatives of the General Inspectorate of Border Police (GIBP) as well as several directorates and subdivisions pertaining to analytical analysis, operational management, public order and security, criminal investigation, canine support and anti-corruption. In addition to assessing the capacities of these directorates, the meetings involved field visits to a regional police inspectorate, a visit to the special police brigade “Fulger”, and practical demonstrations of police work.
"It is very important for the police to be a well-trained force, capable of being close to citizens and performing its duties efficiently, and this can be achieved by increasing the level of professionalism of police employees. I am grateful to our international partners such as the OSCE for showing interest and being always responsive and open to our requests,” said Viorel Cernăuțeanu, Head of the General Police Inspectorate of the Republic of Moldova.
“The purpose of our visit is to take stock of the needs of the law enforcement system in Moldova and the OSCE’s ability to meet them. The more detailed and thorough information we can gather, the better we can prepare an assessment report to inform our project aimed at strengthening the capacity of the law enforcement agencies in Moldova to fight transnational organized crime,” said Noah Lilienfein, Adviser on Fight Against Organized Crime at the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department.
The OSCE representatives received information on the current legislative framework, technical aspects, infrastructure, human resources, finances, and an overview the needs and challenges facing the GPI and the GIBP. The Transnational Threats Department will also explore components of airport security to be included in the project and mainstream a gender perspective in all project activities.
The findings of the mission will support tailoring the activities under of the "Support to the Law Enforcement Agencies in Moldova in Response to the Security Challenges in the Region" project. Incorporating the needs of the beneficiaries on the ground will help strengthen their capacity to fight transnational organized crime in Moldova and support law enforcement institutions to address the security challenges created by the war against Ukraine.