OSCE holds workshop on development of training curriculum for combating gender-based violence in South-Eastern Europe

On 24 March 2022, the OSCE organized an online regional workshop on developing a training curriculum for law enforcement and judiciary on gender-based violence. The curriculum will be delivered during a regional train-the-trainers course, as part of the project Enhancing Criminal Justice Capacities for Combating Gender-based Violence in South-Eastern Europe (2021-2024). Tailored workshops to further adapt the curriculum to the national contexts will be organized for each project beneficiary country: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia.
The event was attended by the members of the regional Advisory and Co-ordination Board and national Multi-Agency Committees, established as part of the project. In total, 55 representatives of law enforcement, judiciary, civil society, social welfare, health and educational institutions, as well as OSCE field operations and regional and international partner organizations attended the event and contributed to the sessions.
The project, run by the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department’s Strategic Police Matters Unit, aims to increase the public’s trust in criminal justice responses and the level of reporting of cases by enhancing the capacities of criminal justice systems to prevent and combat gender-based violence.
The main goal of the workshop was to agree on the content of a regional state-of-the-art curriculum for law enforcement and prosecution services on gender-based violence. This curriculum aims at covering gaps in training identified during a mapping conducted in South-Eastern Europe by the OSCE Gender Issues Programme.