New e-learning course on OSCE cyber/ICT security Confidence-Building Measures now available
The OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department launched a new e-learning course on OSCE cyber/ICT security Confidence-Building Measures on 22 March 2021. The course aims to raise awareness among non-experts and to bolster the knowledge of experts toward further strengthening cyber/ICT security in the OSCE area.
Cyber/ICT security Confidence-Building Measures (CBMs) offer concrete tools to enhance interstate transparency, communication, and co-operation in cyberspace. Since 2013, OSCE participating States have adopted 16 such measures.
Cyber/ICT security is a transnational issue as it relates to digital networks, which transcend borders and connect people in a global cyberspace. While States bear the primary responsibility for national cybersecurity, regional and international processes also play a role in addressing the security of information and communication technologies.
Over three modules, the interactive course introduces participants to the topic of cyber/ICT security and briefly discusses the international and regional context before focusing on the 16 OSCE cyber/ICT security CBMs in detail. The course features interactive elements, such as knowledge checks and a learning scenario, as well as video presentations from a number of OSCE participating States who share their experiences with the practical implementation of individual CBMs.
To access the e-learning course, participants are invited to register on the OSCE’s e-learning platform: