OSCE trains fire management authorities and brigades on preparedness, prevention and response to wildfire disasters

A regional training course designed to build the capacity of national authorities, fire brigades and unit leaders on fire management was organized by the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities in Antalya, Turkey on 15-17 October 2014.
The course brought together fire management authorities and fire brigades from the South Caucasus and Western Balkans.
Participants learnt about the concepts and standards of wildfire management, and good practices in managing large fire and fires burning on areas contaminated by radioactivity or unexploded ordnance and land mines. The training was provided by experts from Germany, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and the United States.
“Natural disasters can have a direct impact on security, addressing common disaster challenges, on the other hand offer an opportunity for co-operation within and among countries,” said Halil Yurdakul Yigitguden, Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities.”
Cross-boundary co-operation, community fire management and advanced technologies for fire prevention and preparedness were among the focus areas of the training course. Participants shared their experiences, good practices and lessons learnt.
The second day was devoted to a practical exercise in the field where the participants studied fire behaviour and fire suppression techniques as well as tools and equipment.
The course was organized in co-operation with the Global Fire Monitoring Center and hosted by the International Fire Management Training Centre in Antalya under the Turkish Ministry of Forest and Water Affairs.
It was held within the framework of the Environment and Security (ENVSEC) Initiative with funding from the Governments of Austria, Finland and Switzerland.