OSCE Media Freedom Representative Désir provides a legal review of Uzbekistan draft law “On Broadcasting” and recommends improvements to authorities
VIENNA, 4 December 2019 – The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Harlem Désir, published today a legal review of the draft law “On Broadcasting”, of the Republic of Uzbekistan. This review was commissioned by his Office and prepared by Dmitri Golovanov, a legal counsel from the Russian Federation. The review was shared with Uzbekistan’s authorities at an earlier date.
“I am pleased that the draft law has demonstrated progress in the development of legislation on television and radio broadcasting and it shows the willingness of the authorities to harmonize the law with the principles of international law and international standards,” said Désir.
“However, the draft law still requires clarification on some of the rules and some amendments should be made considering recommendations from the review in line with international law,” Désir added.
The recommendations in the legal review particularly concern the regulations regarding the status of public broadcasting organizations. The expert recommendations say that the rules should be specified; the switch from state to public service broadcasting should be completed; unnecessary restrictions imposed on foreign broadcasters should be eliminated; and the independence and functionality of the regulatory body (the Council) should be ensured.
“I hope that the review and its recommendations will be considered by the Parliament, so as to promote freedom of the media in Uzbekistan,” said Désir.
The legal review offers a number of recommendations and is available here (in Russian): https://www.osce.org/ru/representative-on-freedom-of-media/436499
An English summary is also available here: https://www.osce.org/representative-on-freedom-of-media/436493
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