Concluding visit to USA, OSCE Representative stresses need for US leading role in promoting free media as journalists are increasingly under threat

WASHINGTON DC, 22 June 2018 - OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Désir concluded a three-day visit to the United States of America today, during which he met with representatives of the Department of State, the Department of Justice, members of the US Congress and its Helsinki Commission and press freedom organizations to discuss the freedom of expression and the media in the United States and the OSCE region.
The Representative insisted that “due to its historical commitment to free speech and press freedom enshrined in the Constitution, the USA needs to continue to play a leading role in promoting media freedom in the OSCE region and domestically”. According to the Representative, “this is even more necessary at a time where there is a global increase of threats against the media”.
“I praise the strong constitutional protection of freedom of the press in the United States with the First Amendment,” added Désir. "However, I see a need for the improvement of rules and regulations that would offer stronger protection of journalists in specific situations and better respect for the role of the press.”
In his meetings with state officials, Congress and civil society groups, Désir discussed issues concerning US legislation and policies including: the safety of journalists during protests and public events; the protection of journalistic sources; electronic device searches of journalists at borders; the recent decision to end the rules on net neutrality and considerations regarding the regulation of social media platforms; and the impact of the Foreign Agents Registration Act upon the concerned media.
“There is a need for stronger protection of journalists’ confidential sources, especially when covering leaks on sensitive issues such as national security,” said Désir, following his talks at the Department of Justice. He also insisted that, in line with international standards, the journalists' right to protect their sources is an important element of media freedom.
The Representative noted that the repeal of the rules on net neutrality could affect the plurality of information sources online. “Users should be able to access information without being limited by their service providers. Media and other sources should be able to offer their information unhindered. This is a concern for the future of media pluralism and for the right of access to information,” Désir said.
With increasing concentration of telecom and media ownership in the United States as well as in other OSCE participating States, the Representative expressed his concern over media pluralism and media freedom especially when companies own both the infrastructure and the media.
Concluding the visit Désir thanked the US Helsinki Commission for its continued support to the OSCE, to its principles and commitments and to the autonomy of its institutions, including the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media.
During his visit, Désir met with several members of the Helsinki Commission, including Senator Benjamin Cardin and Representative Alcee Hastings. At the State Department, Désir met with Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Elizabeth I Millard; Acting Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Michael Kozak; and Director, Office of Regional Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asia, Jonathan Kessler. The Representative also met with senior staff from the House Freedom of the Press Caucus, and with officials at the Department of Justice. Désir also met with press freedom civil society organizations Committee to Protect Journalists, ARTICLE 19, the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, Reporters without Borders (RSF), Access Now, Freedom House, Internews and the Wilson Center.
The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media observes media developments in all 57 OSCE participating States. He provides early warning on violations of freedom of expression and media freedom and promotes full compliance with OSCE media freedom commitments. Learn more at, twitter @OSCE_RFoM and on