Fundamental rights focus of the III International Legal Forum in Tashkent, supported by the OSCE

On 17 and 18 May 2023, the III International Legal Forum “Tashkent Law Spring” was held in Tashkent. The event with the theme “Fundamental Rights as Eternal Values” was organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan and supported by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan (PCUz).
This major international law event in Central Asia brought together over 800 participants, including senior officials of Uzbekistan and foreign countries, leading international experts in the fields of law, international relations and economics, as well as representatives from major law firms and international organizations.
The forum provided an open platform to discuss contemporary legal trends through the prism of fundamental rights, to exchange views on ongoing legal reforms in Uzbekistan, and to develop proposals for improving legislation and law enforcement practices in the light of best international practices.
Among the various topics discussed, one session focused on ensuring the rule of law through good regulation. The session reflected on the progress made by Uzbekistan in developing its Private International Law (PIL) legislation as well as in strengthening co‑operation with leading PIL intergovernmental organizations such as the UNIDROIT, with both activities supported by the PCUz.
The development of private international law, which regulates relationships between individuals in an international context, is increasingly necessary due to globalization. PIL is essential to improve citizens' access to justice across borders, improve business climate, attract foreign investment, and strengthen the protection of private property rights.
In this regard, the PCUz has been supporting the government of Uzbekistan in improving its national policies and mechanisms for strengthening legal protection of private property rights through the development of the private international law framework in the host country.