OSCE facilitates exchange visit to Belarus for Tajik border agencies to enhance cross-border co-operation practices

The OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe organized an exchange visit for five leading specialists from the Headquarters of the Main Directorate of Border Troops of the State Committee of National Security of the Republic of Tajikistan. This visit took place from 9 to 13 December 2024 in Minsk and Brest, Belarus.
The purpose of the event was to showcase effective practices used by border-related agencies in Belarus to Tajikistan’s Border Troops officers, who are responsible for planning and managing border security at their Headquarters. The focus was on key areas such as information flow management, operational management based on real-time data exchange, risk analysis assessment (strategic, operational, and tactical), and co-operation among relevant agencies.
During the visit, participants learned about the roles and functions of the Belarus State Border Service, the State Border Institute, and Minsk International Airport. The itinerary included visits to the Warsaw Bridge border crossing point, a border outpost, and a border training center in Brest.
This exchange visit enhanced the participants' understanding of effective border management practices and facilitated the development of actionable recommendations based on their observations. It also helped establish connections that could lead to future collaboration in capacity building and technical improvement.