OSCE, UNDP inaugurate offices of gender sensitive police unit and public council of Tajikistan’s Interior Ministry

Tajikistan’s Interior Minister, Colonel-General Rahimzoda Ramazon, senior-ranking ministry officials, representatives of the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe, and the United Nations Development Programme in Tajikistan (UNDP) participated in the official inauguration of a new gender sensitive police unit and an office for the district’s public council on 10 September 2019 in the Muminobod District.
Staff at the Gender Sensitive Police Units have specific expertise in dealing with gender-based violence, while the public councils on police reform consist of citizens and are set up to bring the peoples’ voice into the police reform process in the country.
At the opening ceremony, Colonel-General Rahimzoda thanked for the support provided in the implementation of the police reform, and assured that the Interior Ministry will further promote community policing principles, and strengthen interaction between the police and society in the community.
The National Co-ordinator on Police Reform Programme, Major-General Shodmonzoda Farhod, thanked the OSCE and UNDP for their support and said: “These offices will serve for the benefit of interaction of police and the public, and will be a platform for solving domestic violence problems and other forms of crime.”
At the event, a member of the public council, Kosimova Kurbongul, thanked the Interior Ministry and its partners for the ongoing support and expressed the wish that the Minister of Interior would appoint a female inspector to work in the new office for the prevention of domestic violence in Muminabad district.
The offices were refurbished and equipped with modern technology and furniture with the financial support of the OSCE and UNDP.