OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe trains government experts on anti-corruption screening of legal acts
A three-day practical workshop on anti-corruption screening of legal acts for government experts concluded on 25 May 2018 at the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe.
Fifteen representatives from the Agency for State Financial Control and the Fight against Corruption, the Ministry of Justice, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the State Committee for National Security, the Agency of civil service and the Institute for Public Administration, the latter both under the jurisdiction of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, took part in the event. They learned how to formulate recommendations to eliminate potentially corruptive provisions in the Law on Pension Provision to Citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan as a part of the anti-corruption screening exercise.
The workshop was opened by Fabio Piana, Deputy Head of the Programme Office, who stressed the importance of inter-agency co-operation in the fight against corruption.
“Corruption has not been fully eliminated in any country and it can be found in any society. However, the level of corruption can be reduced to the stage when this phenomenon cannot interfere with the development of society and prosperity of the state,” said Denis Primakov, an international expert who delivered the workshop. “Anti-corruption screening of legal acts helps to identify provisions in the acts that potentially could lead to corruption and help to reduce the level of corruption in the country”.
Participants shared their experiences on anti-corruption screenings during the seminar to streamline inter-agency co-operation and information exchange in the framework of corruption prevention activities.