OSCE and Tajikistan’s Interior Ministry open public council office in Shaartuz district, Tajikistan
The OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe and Tajikistan's Interior Ministry opened the first Public Council under the jurisdiction of the Interior Ministry devoted to promoting community policing in Tajikistan, on 19 April 2018 in the Shaartuz district of the province of Khatlon.
Ramazon Oymahmadzoda, Governor of the Shaartuz district, Major General Farhodbek Shodmonzoda, the National Co-ordinator for Police Reform, representatives of the OSCE Office in Dushanbe and local police, as well as members of the Public Council of the Shaartuz district participated in the opening ceremony.
Ramazon Oymahmadzoda, Governor of the Shaartuz district, said in his opening speech: “The local government of the Shaartuz district supports the national police reform and the concept of community policing. Upon request, we allocated four office spaces for the Public Council. The OSCE renovated two of the spaces and equipped them with modern office technology. We express our profound gratitude to the OSCE for their support.”
Major General Farhodbek Shodmonzoda, the National Co-ordinator for Police Reform said: “We have provided this first-ever Public Council devoted to community policing with all facilities to establish co-operation between the police and the community.”
Abdulmumin Shoimov, Chairman of Shaartuz Public Council thanked the representatives of the OSCE and Tajikistan’s Interior Ministry for their substantial support to the work and activities of the Public Council in the framework of the police reform programme.
The OSCE, in addition to renovating and equipping the office spaces of the Public Council, also renovated and equipped the office of district territorial police in Shaartuz town.
The members of the Public Council in Shaartuz, active members of civil society, will meet to discuss the legal and normative framework as well as strategic documents on police reform, and monitor the implementation of relevant activities. They will also provide feedback and recommendations to the Interior Ministry on improving community policing.
So far seven Public Councils have been established in various regions of Tajikistan, involving more than 70 representatives of civil society who contribute to the implementation of police reform in Tajikistan.