OSCE supports Tajikistan’s state programme on human rights education

A five-day training course on human rights education concluded on 6 April 2018 in Sarob, near Dushanbe.
The course was jointly organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe and the Office of the Human Rights Commissioner of Tajikistan.
The course brought together some 15 government officials from a wide range of government training institutes, including the Law Faculty of the Tajik State University, the Military Institute under the Ministry of Defence and the Training Institute for Judges.
All participants shared the aim of becoming experts on human rights and being able to mainstream human rights principles into professional training at the various government institutes.
The course focused on improving understanding of human rights principles as well as giving practical examples on how to teach human rights. Trainees were required to develop their own training session and put their skills to the test before the critical eyes of their colleagues.
Abdusamad Rahimov, an expert from the Centre for Forensic Medicine at the Health and Social Protection Ministry, expressed appreciation for the relevance and effectiveness of the course: “Now I have a better understanding of the link between human rights and my work.”
The trainer, Elena Volochai, said: “The aim of the training is to improve knowledge about human rights and to develop training skills. The participants are enthusiastic and committed and this with the skills they gained makes a solid pool of trainers on human rights.”
The Office plans to hold more training courses and to offer possibilities to practice newly gained skills. The course is part of a series of activities conducted by the OSCE to implement the State Programme on Human Rights Education in Tajikistan.